Sunday, November 30, 2014


Modern Warehouse Design with Robots

In several modern warehouse already use robot, because it more simple and easy to control. If we depend to people sometimes the order to keep and take from warehouse can be not regular or not follow the rule. The benefit of using robot are there are no safety issue regarding people died on the warehouse, or there is no steeling goods from warehouse because often time many things are stolen from warehouse. Use robot will work faster and more accurate. These are several warehouses that use robot to arrange and order goods from the rack on warehouse.

Volkswagen's storage facility in Wolfsburg, Germany use robot to keep cars on the racks. This is an actual 20-story car tower that takes up just 20% of the space of a conventional parking garage handling the same number of vehicles. Volkswagen uses the facility in a showy delivery process for its new-car customers.

Volkwager Warehouse

Pharmacy warehouse serve by robot in order take accurate medicine and can give the best service for the patient and to avoid any mistake on giving medicine to the patients. Malpractice of doctor can be cause by wrong giving medicine because of many stock on the warehouse.

Pharmacy Warehouse


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Bidding House For Sale

To buy a house you must be careful especially the legal status of the house, if letter of the house shows same with the owner, usually no problem but if you buy from broker you must investigate more detail. The second then you must calculate or estimate the cost for repair the house before ready to use.

For your guideline see the detail parameters below:


Saturday, November 8, 2014


Hotel in Bali at Holliday Time

If you go to Bali - Indonesia, you can stay in Hotel or rent house in around the beach of Bali. Hotel in Ubud - bali at holiday time can choose here, there are many option hotel in Ubud Bali:

Hotel in Seminyak Bali, at holiday time.

Comment of some people who have stay in this hotel: Struggling to think of any negative. Way exceeded expectations. Went with husband. Great atmosphere. Lots of families around – staff were excellent with the children. Resort always felt nicely busy, but never too loud. Rooms very nice. Kuta close by, so very easy to get out to local restaurants and bars.

Gran Hotel in Bali

Comment people about grand hotel in Bali: Affording an impressive view the sea, beach and Benidorm, the Gran Hotel Bali – the tallest hotel in Benidorm, is situated in the quieter La Cala area of Benidorm 700 meters away from Cala de Finetrat and Poniente Beach and 200 meters away from a wide selection of bars, shops and restaurants. Surrounded by sunbeds and parasols, the pool area is a sunlover’s dream. Away from the beach and pool, you’ll find on site activities include a gym and sauna.


Saturday, November 1, 2014


Cara Mengatasi Rumah Kebanjiran

Rumah di Jakarta sekarang sering kebanjiran, mengapa ya?
Padahal dulu nggak pernah namanya air menggenang dihalaman, tapi sekarang kebanjiran malah sampai masuk ke dalam rumah. Hal seperti itu sebenarnya sudah banyak jawabannya, antara lain halaman yang dulu kebanjiran sekarang kebanyakan sudah gak ada, jadi airnya mau kemana lagi, ya masuk kedalam rumah.

Cara cara yang umum dilakukan untuk mengatasi kebanjiran adalah:
  1. Membuang sampahnya yang jauh, jangan hanya ditempat sampah.
  2. Membersihkan selokan agar tidak mampet
  3. Membangun tingkat 2 yang lebih tinggi , seperti rumahnya Victoria dibawah yang mau dijual.
  4. Ini yang paling jitu, yaitu dengan pindah rumah ketempat yang lebih tinggi atau yang tidak kebanjiran.
Nah apa ada lagi cara cara mengatasi agar rumah tidak kebanjiran? Kalau sendiri sendiri maka gak mungkin bisa diatasi paling juga memindahkan banjir ketempat sebelahnya, tapi kalau jumlahnya terlalu besar tentu sudah sulit diatasi, mending ngungsi.

Mau membangun rumah seperti itu, ini denah bagian dalamnya ada dibawah ini:


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