Saturday, May 16, 2009


Tropical Garden Design

Gardening design can integrate from two elements, as an example is combined of tropical elements with modern hardscape elements. This combination can create tropical garden more simple but keep beauty under treatment.

One of the example this gardening in Indonesia are X-Otic Garder in Bandung. This garden is formed of Cambodia Flower, bananas, and bamboo, orchid and modern nuance of hardscape elements.

Garden design is created with attention to desires of the home. Previously, the page is not behind this. Can say a fruit garden, where in some corner of the fruit trees planted sporadically. See the park, the owner also wishes to create a garden is, beautiful, and minimal care. The modern elements advice includes the design of hardscape. Swimming made the geometric pattern. L-shaped pond and placed in the corner is placed water cylindrical fountain with a wall three meters of high background. Dominant effect is outline on the wall and water fountain to give a rustic effect.

Not just that, elements of modern nuances also obtained from the use of crystals that form a drops of water-drops. Imitation is the water drops look more prominent at night when lights spot into the garden. Light effects are also used to expose the water to swell the middle of the water fountain.

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